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Recommended Media

How To City

Material that has shaped my views on how to design a city that people want to live in.

Take it from the guy who has lived in 30 different places.  The Netherlands have figured out how to build a city for people instead of personal automobiles.

Pointing out that suburban sprawl is bankrupting America, and that our streets are dangerous by design.

Educational and entertaining look at corporate greenwashing.

Exposing the racial injustices in our built environment.

Wanting to undo a century’s worth of damage wrought by the automobile.

City planner & urban designer who advocates for walkable cities.  See his TED talks and read his book Walkable City

Fun fact: houses built in 2020 burn just as much gas as my house, which was built 25 years earlier.  We could construct buildings that require only 10% as much energy to heat and cool.  Let's do it!

Car bad! Train good!

Bike Bus / Walking School Bus Specialist

The "Not Just Bikes" guy's podcast.

The "Climate Town" guy's podcast.

A podcast for community builders. Discussing ways to grow financially resilient, resource-conscious, and people-friendly cities.

The "Climate Townnews and views in the fast-paced world of active travel, cycling, walking and urban planning in a jargon-free safe space.guy's podcast.

Graphic Novel about catering to people rather than the cars they drive.

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